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Explanation of the Japanese Dog Standard

The Japanese dog Standard was established in 1934 by the Society for Preservation of the Japanese Dog as "a guide for Japanese dogs to be bred in the future based on the characteristics and traits of the Japanese dog. It was classified into three types: small, medium, and large.

*The Japanese dog Standard is written in a concise and precise manner, which makes it very difficult to understand from a general point of view. Therefore, we will provide step-by-step explanations, adding notes for each item.

1 Essence and its expression


Japanese dogs are very much about the essence of Kanni, Ryosei, and Soboku.

Kanni - spirit and dignity

Ryousei - loyal and obedient

Soboku - Unpretentious, sober elegance and style.

It describes the fundamental nature that Japanese dogs are born with.

Its expression

Small and medium-sized dogs have acute senses, agile movements, and a light, elastic gait. Large dogs behave gravely.

2 General appearance

The overall appearance of the male and female sexes, with the male being male-like and the female being female-like, is very important, and is referred to as “Seityoukan. The body is well-balanced and tightly structured. The muscle tone is well developed and the height to length ratio is "100:110," a rather rectangular body shape.

division Body height and measurement of each type and breed

Body height is measured from the feet of the forelimbs, slightly behind the upper end of the shoulder blades by pressing down on the coat.

- Small size division Body height of Shiba Inu

Standard height for males: 39.5 cm (38 cm-41 cm)

Standard height for females: 36.5 cm (35 cm-38 cm)

- Medium size division Body height of Kishu, Shikoku, Kai and Hokkaido dogs

Standard height for males 52cm(49cm-55cm)

Standard height for females: 49 cm (46 cm-52 cm)

- Large size division Body height Akita dog

Standard height for males 67cm(64cm-70cm)

Standard height for females 61cm(58cm-64cm)

3 Ears

The size is in harmony with the head, and the inner ear line is straight. The outer ear line is a slightly rounded, unequal triangle, slightly tilted forward and standing up straight.

4 Eyes

Slightly triangular, with powerfully deep eyes that are lifted at the corners. An iris that is black or, conversely, a light shade is undesirable. A dark brown color is ideal.

5 Mouth

The nose is straight with a tight proboscis from the rich cheeks. The mouth is rounded and has a moderate stop with good thickness and thickness. The lips are not loose and tight in a straight line. The head of the nose is black for colored dogs. White dogs will be dark brown. Those with an insufficient number of teeth or with spots on the tongue are undesirable. The teeth should be well developed with 42 teeth and a normal upper and lower bite.

6 Head and neck

The forehead is broad, the cheeks are well developed, and the neck is of moderate thickness and length with supple, strong muscles.

7 Forelimbs

The forelimbs are in contact with the ground with the elbows pulled back against the torso and the same width as the body. The front connection has a moderate angle, and the finger section has a tight grip.

8 Hindlimbs

The thighs are well developed, the fly joints are moderately angled and tenaciously strong, and grounded at the same width as the hips. The toe grips tightly and well. The talus (wolf claw) on the hind limb, common in Kishu dogs, is removed during the first 2 to 3 days of life.

9 Chest

The pronotum is well developed, and the ribs are moderately taut and oval (ovoid) in shape. Chest depth should be almost half the height of the body, but at least 45% shallower.

10 Back and hips

The back is straight from the dorsum to the base of the tail at the hips. The lumbar region should be sturdy, and anything that causes an up-and-down or side-to-side swinging motion of the hips during gait is undesirable.

11 Tail

It is moderately thick and strong, with a curly or Sashio, the length of which almost reaches the flying section at its tip. The scroll tail is literally coiled. The Sashio is sloping forward without curling and is commonly seen in Kishu dogs. Akita dogs must have a curly tail.

12 Coat

The outer coat is stiff, straight, and brightly colored, while the undercoat is a soft, dense double coat of light-colored hair, known as cotton wool. The hairs on the tail are rather long and open. There are five coat colors for Japanese dogs: sesame, red, black, tiger, and white. The ideal coat colors for the Shiba Inu are red, sesame, and black, but red is the most common, accounting for just over 80%. Kisyu dogs are overwhelmingly white, with a few colored dogs such as sesame and red. Shikoku dogs are mostly sesame, followed by red and slightly black.

By understanding the essence of the Japanese dog

deeply and being mindful of breeding them,we can understand the people who have been fascinated by the wonderful qualities of the Japanese dog since ancient times.

Dogs of any breed are difficult to live with if you just love them.

We believe that we should understand the individuality of the breed and the dog on its own.


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